Thank you


Two years ago I wrote a book about kindness and hope, convinced that its message was relevant as it’d ever been.

Tomorrow, that book—The House in the Cerulean Sea—finally comes out, and the world is in a much scarier place than I could have possibly imagined.

Which is why I believe, now more than ever, in the message Cerulean holds. We must take care of each other, we must believe in ourselves and others, and we must stand up for those who need our help.

Nine years ago, I published my first book. Tomorrow will see the release of my twenty-fifth and arguably, the biggest.

Thank you for the last nine years. Thank you for supporting my work. Thank you for talking about my books. Thank you for putting your faith in me as an author. I will be forever grateful at this journey. It hasn’t always been easy. For every mountain, there was a deep, deep valley. For every success, there was that little voice in the back of my head, muttering that I was an imposter, that I wasn’t good enough to do what I thought I could. In these last nine years, I have loved and lost, laughed and cried, climbed that mountain and celebrated, curled up in that valley with my hands over my ears, wishing it would all just go away so I could breathe.

But I—and we—survived. And tomorrow, you’ll get to see what I’ve been working towards.

But before then, two very cool projects to keep you entertained if you’re stuck at home, or if you’re needing to venture out into the world.

First, I was fortunate enough to guest again on the Big Gay Fiction Podcast with Jeff and Will. In this interview, we discuss Cerulean, the Extraordinaries, and I give the first solid details about what to expect from Brothersong. You can listen/watch here: Big Gay Fiction Podcast

And second, something equally as exciting: The launch of the new season of the Klunatic Podcast, made by readers for readers. The first of a bunch of new episodes (to be released weekly) comes out today, and I can’t wait for you to hear the hard work done by Kirt Graves (the incredible host) and the producers, a group of people who donated their time and energy into making this podcast a reality. If you’re already subscribed to the Klunatic Podcast, the new episode will pop up in your podcatcher feed today. If now, you can search “Klunatic Podcast” in the search engine of your podcatcher to follow and subscribe, or you can start listening here: Klunatic Episode One

And that’s all I have for right now. Thank you for yesterday. Thank you for today. And thank you, thank you, thank you for tomorrow, and every day after. I can’t wait for you to see Linus and Arthur, Zoe and Helen, Talia and Chauncey and Lucy and Theodore and Phee and Sal. Theirs is a journey I hope you won’t soon forget.

(And if you haven’t pre-ordered yet, what are you waiting for? Here, let me help: Cerulean Pre-Order)

Much love,



Comments from old website:

Thank you for your words, the laughter, and the tears (ye gods, the tears!) that you’ve given over the years. BOATK was my first of your books many years ago, and while I await each one eagerly, I am so excited that Cerulean will finally be here tomorrow!!

Chris Gorman
TJ, you are a wondrous light in a darkening world. I have my first openly TG 8th grade student and I have introduced him/her (decision not complete, due to fear of parents) to your work. It is incredible how accepted she/he is by the school/classmates. We hope her /his parents can become as accepting. You opened a whole world to me, for which I am forever grateful. I came out of my closet when very young, but never realized I had left others behind closet doors I couldn't see.

Thank you! Your books are truly treasures and I’m so grateful that you share your stories with us all. ❤️

Love you. Thank you for making the world an infinitely better place by simply sharing the stories that bring you life.

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.

The House in the Cerulean Sea is Here!


Cerulean Tour Update (And I Need Your Help!)