Green Creek Has Returned!


Thank you for your patience. I am so happy to announce that the Green Creek Series is back up for sale. This includes the ebooks and paperbacks for Wolfsong and Ravensong. The paperbacks for these two titles are exclusively available through Amazon, though the ebooks are available at most retailers. The ebook for Heartsong is currently available for preorder, and the paperback will follow.

Couple of things:

There is no need to redo any reviews you may have posted on Amazon or Goodreads. The Goodreads reviews were never in jeopardy, and I was able to link back the Amazon reviews that I’ve gathered in the past few years, so thank you for that. As much as Amazon can be a pain in the ass, they have been very helpful in getting this situation fixed.

The profits from any further sales from this point on do not involve Dreamspinner. Everything will go to me, minus the seller fee. There are no changes to the stories. The only thing that will be different is that every mention of Dreamspinner Press has been removed. These are my books. They don’t get to touch them any further.

The banner imprint I’m publishing this under is BOATK Books. However, I was dumb and made a mistake on Amazon, where you’ll see the paperbacks are listed as published by Bowker. That will be fixed, but it’s mine, so no worries there.

There are still DSP versions of the paperbacks up, but I can’t do anything about those right now. They will soon be listed as unavailable. The audios will have to remain as is until their contracts run out a few years from now and I can take control of those. Please don’t let that stop you from buying them if you want them.

Any questions, please let me know.


Amazon Ebook

All other locations Ebook

Amazon Paperback


Amazon Ebook

All other locations Ebook

Amazon Paperback


Amazon Ebook

All other locations Ebook


Comments from old website:

A lot of the Amazon reviews still say not to buy Heartsong due to the publisher issue. It makes me sad that such a great book had such a low Amazon rating because of this. And that people might hesitate to buy it.

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.

Heartsong: Pack Pack Pack


The House In The Cerulean Sea Preorder!